Frequently Asked Questions

All JoVE publications include a text manuscript and a video. The manuscript will serve as the foundation for the content in the video. Every author is responsible for writing and addressing revisions in their manuscript according to internal and peer review comments. The video portion of the article can be produced by either JoVE’s professional team or the author. JoVE films, edits and produces most videos because of our experience as both a publishing and video production house. We have the services and workflow established to make publication a straightforward and easy experience. If you are within our videographer network, you can choose the Video Produced by JoVE option.

Authors outside of our videographer network who have the professional and technical skills of editing video and audio may submit their own videos. However, if an author chooses to create their own video, it must meet the same publication standards of a Video Produced by JoVE. These videos must adhere to the JoVE format and style, as well as meet the technical guidelines specified in our Guidelines for Video Produced by Author. Both the manuscript and video must be simultaneously submitted and will go through the editorial and external peer review process together. Please note that Video Produced by Author submissions receive no production assistance from the JoVE video production staff, thus we only recommend this option if the authors have access to technical video production facilities. Both the text and video components frequently require multiple revisions prior to publication, so authors must have continued access to video editing equipment. Further details of the author produced video submission policies can be found on our Video Produced by Author workflow page.

The typical length of time between a submission being received (in proper form) to publication in JoVE is about 5 to 8 months. However, several steps in the process that depend on factors beyond JoVE’s control influence this timeline, such as responsiveness from authors and peer reviewers as well as additional veterinary review.

Your main responsibilities as a JoVE author are twofold. You are responsible for (1) writing and submitting a manuscript, followed by addressing any necessary revisions during the internal and/or peer review process and (2) preparing your laboratory for filming and demonstrating the protocol on the day of filming. Your interactions with JoVE as an author are given below.

Step 1: Submission and Review

Submit a written manuscript and associated documents (
Address any immediate editorial concerns
Address peer review comments
JoVE editorial staff decides if manuscript is accepted for publication
Step 2: Filming

Set a date for filming
Correspond with JoVE scriptwriters as they generate a film script and shot list based on your manuscript
Approve or modify the script if necessary
Prepare schematic
JoVE finalizes script for videographer
Prepare experimental materials for filming before the videographer arrives
A JoVE videographer visits your filming location and films the protocol outlined in the script
Step 3: Video Editing

Make modifications to script for recording the voiceover
Submit any additional pictures, figures, and/or videos
JoVE edits video and sends a proof of the video article web page for your feedback
Give JoVE feedback on article within one week of receiving proof
Finalize your manuscript online following video proofing
JoVE modifies the video according to your comments. If animal work is performed, JoVE then sends the video to veterinary review
Step 4: Publishing

Provide final approval before publication
Article is published in JoVE and uploaded to indexing sites
Cite and share your video article

As a JoVE author, you are able to use your article for non-commercial purposes, which include the reprint. Since JoVE’s content is web-based, there are no traditional hard copies. However, as the author, you are able to download your publication (both the written and video component) and share with colleagues. You could then send these files to a colleague via a CD, flash drive or ftp/file-sharing site. Also, JoVE permits authors to embed their videos on their academic websites. To do this, please contact your editor or