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JoVE serves the research community as a scientific methods journal for efficient dissemination, reproduction and discussion of experimental approaches in biological, medical, chemical and physical research. Video is an effective publication format as it ensures more efficient transfer of information than traditional text articles. JoVE publishes novel methods, innovative applications of existing techniques and gold standard protocols in a scholarly video and text format. Detailed text and representative results accompany every video.

Peer review is a vital component of the JoVE publishing process.

There are two main categories of JoVE submissions. The overwhelming majority of submissions fall into the JoVE-produced category; for these submissions, JoVE produces the video portion. When we produce a video, first we have the authors submit a written manuscript. This manuscript is then sent out to reviewers; revised by the authors, incorporating reviewer and editor comments; and, if accepted, a script and storyboard are generated by JoVE based on the revised manuscript for filming. After filming and post-production, both the video and a final written protocol are published on our site. Since JoVE controls the content and production of these videos, they are not sent out for peer review.

Occasionally, authors have access to the tools necessary to produce their own videos. These author-produced videos are reviewed along with the author’s written manuscript. If revisions are necessary, authors may be asked to re-shoot and edit their video and text manuscript based on reviewer, editor, or video producer comments.

We are interested in reviewers’ opinions on the clarity of presentation, scientific accuracy, usefulness, compliance with research standards, technical quality and efficiency, and general impact of each article submitted to JoVE. We want to publish articles that are detailed and thorough enough such that a researcher in the field could replicate the experiment. Our primary goal is to be a resource for researchers learning a new technique.

Keep in mind:

Manuscripts should be written in standard American English.
Terminology and jargon should conform to community standards within the field of expertise.
All animal research should comply with standard ethical guidelines. We send all articles containing animal research out for an independent veterinary review, but welcome additional comments.
JoVE is a methods journal. Like other methods journals, we publish expanded descriptions of techniques that have previously appeared in results-based journals. We do not republish data or results without the express permission of the original publisher. If you are concerned about the novelty of a submission, please include this in your comments.
Comments can be as general as suggesting, for example, that the discussion needs to be expanded, or as specific as pointing out a specific typographical error. Most reviewers provide a blend of general and specific comments.
Additional video criteria for video produced by author submissions only:

Within the video, all voices should be audible and understandable.
Like the text, the video alone should provide enough detail that the experiment can be replicated.
All text appearing in the video should be easily read.
All figures or images should be clear (e.g., not too small or pixelated) and properly labelled.
Standard safety protocols and aseptic technique should be consistently adhered to throughout the video.